Certificate Holders
IFC Firestop Special Inspector Certificate Holders

- Note 1: The premier level certificate holders have successfully completed the International Firestop Council’s Third-Party inspector examination and additionally completed a minimum of 4 hours of installation product training from the IFC. This training may be taken in-person, or online at, https://training.firestop.org/p/ifc-firestop-204.
- Once you have completed both of these steps, simply send both of your certificates to [email protected], we will then issue a Premier level certificate and list your name online.
- Note 2: Based on the exam results, it is the opinion of the International Firestop Council that certificate holders and Premier certificate holders have demonstrated a high and sufficient level of competence specific to the Special Inspection of firestopping, as required in the International Building Code (2012) article 1704.2.1.
Third Party Inspection Certificate Renewal Policy
Once the initial testing to certify has been passed, there is a re-certification requirement after 3 years. To renew, the current test will be need to be written at a cost of $50 for IFC members, $150 for non-members. Upon passing, you will receive your current certification. If you wish to renew Premier Certificate, you will need to receive IFC product training, updating you on the industry’s latest products. Although in-person, hands-on training is preferred, the training can also be via electronic channels (e.g. web conferencing). Each product training certificate is good for one certification period. New product training is required for each Premier Certificate renewal.