Join the International Firestop Council

The International Firestop Council is a not-for-profit association of firestop manufacturers, distributors, inspectors, and users of fire protective materials and systems.
IFC Membership Types
1. Voting membership- Class A: A corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship that manufactures, or sells under its own label, materials, systems, or devices for fire containment or passive fire protection use.
2. Voting membership- Class A1: Any entity operating as a firestop inspection company or engineering consulting firm. Voting members are eligible to hold office and participate in IFC activities subject to the by-laws of the Corporation.
3. Associate membership- Anyone that does not qualify as a voting member.
IFC Annual Meetings
We meet two times per year to collaborate on improvement of our training and awareness programs. We examine opportunities to effect code changes and provide direction to the code consultant. Between meetings, we communicate with members on a regular basis on the status of pending code issues and solicits input on IFC positions. The IFC regularly invites representatives from the model code groups and test laboratories to attend IFC meetings to address issues of mutual interest and concern. These regular meetings provide invaluable insights into the code development process and are a valuable communication bridge with the model code groups. Play a part in keeping firestop requirements embedded within the codes, preventing code changes that could have been damaging to the industry.