Frequently Asked Questions
Firestopping issues can be complex and are often fact specific. IFC does not warrant that the advice given will accurately fit your situation. Suitability of advice or recommendations must be determined by the user.
The list of special inspectors published by the International Firestop Council is a listing of those individuals (not companies) who have completed the “IFC recommended Training and Education for Third-Party Firestop Inspectors” program, and have passed the proctored end-of-study exam. This program is formally recognized as providing suitable and sufficient firestop knowledge by
- ICC-ES standard AC291,
- ASTM standard E3038,
- The HCAI (formerly OSHPD) government agency in California
- The Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS), issued by the US Federal government, for construction at US military bases and by NASA
- The UAE Building Code,
- As well as by countless US jurisdictions in which special inspectors are being required for firestopping.
The individuals in the IFC list do not pay any fee to be listed there. They only need to have passed the examination. They do not need to purchase an IFC membership to be listed there. The IFC encourages property owners and AHJs to make use of the IFC list in determining if a proposed special inspector has suitable qualifications for firestopping inspection.
According to the FCIA website, the companies that are in its published list are companies who have purchased a 1-year FCIA membership for $625 or more. As we understand, there is no requirement for any of the employees or management of those companies to possess any measurable or recognizable qualifications in firestop special inspection. The FCIA list is that of a membership program, not a qualifications assessment program.
Yes. Special inspection of projects for the US Army, Navy, Air Force, and NASA are specified in the Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS). This collection of documents is a joint effort of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC), and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (HQ AFCEC). The UFGS document on special inspection can be found at . Section explicitly recognizes the IFC Special Inspector exam as being an acceptable examination credential for firestop special inspection.
Some assemblies are specified in design documents or in building code as needing to restrict/limit the leakage of smoke, even when the wall or floor assemblies do not require a fire resistance rating. Examples of such assemblies are “smoke partitions”, as specified in IBC (2018) section 710, or assemblies in the National
Building Code of Canada that are “Fire Separations” that do not require a fire resi