Inspection Guidelines

Penetration Firestop Systems and Fire Resistive Joint Systems in Fire Resistance Rated Construction

Inspection Guidelines For Penetration Firestop Systems and Fire Resistive Joint Systems in Fire Resistance Rated Construction – 5th Edition

The following information is intended to provide construction and code enforcement professionals with basic checkpoints to ensure the required fire resistance ratings are maintained when penetrations and linear joints breach walls and floors. This inspection guideline is not intended to be all encompassing or to be used as a design guide. It is for information and educational purposes only.


Annular Space – The opening around a penetrating item.

F Rating – The time period that the through-penetration firestop system limits the spread of fire through the penetration when tested in accordance with ASTM E 814 or UL1479.

Fireblocking – Building materials, or materials approved for use as fireblocking, installed to resist the free passage of flame to other areas of the building through concealed spaces.

Fire-Resistant Joint System – An assemblage of specific materials or products that are designed, tested and fire-resistance rated in accordance with either ASTM E 1966 or UL 2079 to resist for a prescribed period of time the passage of fire through joints made in or between fire-resistance rated assemblies.

L Rating – The air leakage rating of a through penetration firestop system or a fire-resistant joint system when tested in accordance with UL 1479 or UL 2079, respectively.

Membrane Penetration – A breach in one side of a floor-ceiling, roof-ceiling or wall assembly to accommodate an item installed into or passing through the breach.