AHJ: Free Training Seminars

Firestop Education for Building Inspectors And Code Officials

Training Seminars:

Educational programs are an important aspect of the International Firestop Council’s mission. The IFC provides generic, non-product specific training to building code officials, plumbing and mechanical organizations, architect and contractor associations for FREE.

Seminar Descriptions:

Canada: As the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) is far less detailed and less developed than the IBC on issues of firestopping, Canadian seminars are offered in either a 2 hour or 4 hour total seminar length.

Subtopics Provided In Each Seminar Length (2, 4, or 8 hr.)

To allow you to choose a seminar length that best fits the training needs of your group, the table below explains which topics are covered in each seminar length.

Topic (In order of presentation) 2 hour overview 4 hour 8 hour In-depth
What is firestopping, why is it required? Brief
IBC Code requirements (overview) Brief
How firestop systems are tested and rated
Through-Penetration firestop systems Brief
Membrane penetration firestop systems Brief
Fire resistant joint systems Brief
Perimeter fire containment systems (edge-of-slab joints) Brief
Duct enclosure systems Brief
Understanding the UL fire resistance directories
Firestop installation options
Engineering judgments Brief
Special Inspections and special Inspectors Brief
Recognizing firestop installation problems Brief
Plan review and inspection process recommendations Brief
Notable changes in IBC 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 Brief
IFC- recommended firestop inspection techniques